ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Institute for Global Labour and Human Rights

Imagine you are playing with your toys and your parents ask you to share your toys with your friends. You might be happy to share your toys with your friends, but what if you found out that some children in the world don't have any toys to play with?

Sometimes, grown-ups can be like children too. They might not want to share their things with other people or treat them unfairly because of things like where they were born or how much money they have.

That is why some grown-ups have created an organization called the Institute for Global Labour and Human Rights. This organization wants to make sure that workers in different parts of the world are treated fairly and with respect.

You see, some people work very hard to make things like toys, clothes or shoes that we use every day, but they don't always get paid enough for their work or get enough rest. Sometimes, they are even forced to work for many hours in a day without breaks or in unsafe conditions.

The Institute for Global Labour and Human Rights wants to help these workers by making sure that companies who make products are following the rules and treating their workers fairly. They also want to teach people about why it's important to care about the people who make the things we buy.

Just like how your parents want you to share your toys with your friends and treat them kindly, the Institute for Global Labour and Human Rights wants grown-ups all over the world to share and treat others fairly too.