ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Institute of Turkish Studies

Have you ever heard of Turkey? It's a country that's located in a part of the world called the Middle East. In America, there is an organization called the Institute of Turkish Studies, which is a special group of people who study Turkey and all the things that make it unique.

The Institute of Turkish Studies is like a big school for grown-ups who want to learn more about Turkey. They do research and learn about things like Turkish history, culture, language, and politics. They also try to help other people learn about Turkey too, by sharing what they know through books, events, and other fun activities.

Think of it as a group of grown-ups who want to help people understand Turkey better, just like how you might tell your friends about your favorite things in school or things you love to do. The Institute of Turkish Studies is like a friend who tells everyone else about all the cool things about Turkey!