ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Instituto Nacional de Industria

The Instituto Nacional de Industria, or INI for short, was a big group of grown up people who worked together to help make sure that important businesses in Spain had the money and resources they needed to do a good job.

You see, running a business can be really hard work, and sometimes it's difficult to find the money you need to get started or expand. That's why INI was created - to help those businesses that were important for the economy and the country as a whole. They would give money to these businesses to help them grow, and also help them with things like management and marketing.

At the same time, INI would make sure that these businesses were doing what they were supposed to and not causing any problems for the world around them. They would check that they were following the rules and regulations, and make sure they were working in a safe and responsible way.

By doing all of this, INI helped support the growth of a lot of different industries in Spain, like manufacturing, energy, and transportation. These industries are important for making sure that Spain has plenty of jobs and opportunities in the future.