ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Integrated device manufacturer

An integrated device manufacturer (IDM) is like a baker who can bake their own ingredients to create a cake. An IDM is a company that makes its own computer chips, such as the ones that power your phone or computer.

Just like a baker needs flour, sugar, and eggs to make a cake, an IDM needs different materials like silicon, copper, and other tiny components to make computer chips.

The process of making a computer chip is very complicated, but imagine building a Lego tower. An IDM starts by designing the tower with a blueprint, just like an architect creates a design for a building. The IDM then takes tiny pieces of silicon and other materials and puts them together, following the blueprint.

After all the pieces are assembled, the IDM tests the chip to make sure it works correctly. If it doesn't work, they have to go back and figure out what went wrong and fix it.

Once the chip is working perfectly, the IDM can sell it to companies that make electronics, like Apple or Samsung. These companies use the chips to power their phones, computers, and other devices.

So, an IDM is like a very skilled baker who can create their own ingredients and uses them to make delicious cakes. Similarly, an IDM makes their own computer chips and sells them to companies that make electronic devices.