ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Intel Edison

Intel Edison is a tiny computer that you can use to make all sorts of cool things! Think of it like a mini brain for your projects. It's small enough to fit in the palm of your hand but can do lots of powerful things.

The Edison has a bunch of little parts on it that work together to make it run. It has a processor (like the brain!), memory (like remembering things in your head!), and different kinds of input and output types. These inputs and outputs help other parts of your project talk to the Edison so they can work together.

You can use the Edison to control other electronics like toys, lights, and sensors. You can also make it do things like play music, keep track of the weather, and even fold your laundry (just kidding, it can't do that yet!).

The best part about the Edison is that you can program it to do whatever you want! You can use code to tell it how to react to different situations, like turning on a light when someone walks into a room, or tweeting a message when your plant needs water.

Overall, the Intel Edison is like a little computer that's perfect for making cool things happen. With a little bit of creativity and programming, you can turn it into anything you want!