ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Inter-Parliamentary Union

Dear little one,

The inter-parliamentary union is like a club for politicians from different countries. Just like you have friends at school, politicians have friends from other countries that they like to talk to and work together with to solve problems.

The inter-parliamentary union is a place where these politicians can come together and discuss things that are important for people all over the world, like how to make sure everyone has access to clean water, how to make sure children get good education, and how to fight against things that are bad for people, like pollution and climate change.

They also talk about how to work together to make laws and rules that are fair for everyone, regardless of what country they live in. This way, everyone can be happy and safe.

So, in short, the inter-parliamentary union is a group of politicians who meet up to talk about how to make the world better for everyone.