ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Inter-State Commission

Imagine a group of friend living in houses that are next to each other. They all want to play together and have lots of fun, but sometimes they have arguments about what games to play or how to play them. In order to solve these problems, they might create a committee, or a group of people who will work together to make sure everyone is happy and having fun.

Now, let's imagine that instead of friends living in houses, we have different states in a country. Just like the friends, the states want to work together and make sure everyone is happy, but they also have different needs and priorities. That's where the Inter-state Commission comes in.

The Inter-state Commission is like a big committee that is made up of representatives from each state. Their job is to figure out how to divide up the country's resources and power fairly so that every state is happy. They might talk about things like how to use the country's money, how to protect the environment, or how to keep everyone safe.

If there is a problem between the states, like if one state isn't following the rules, the Inter-state Commission is also the group that helps solve the problem. They might have to talk to each other, and make sacrifices or compromises so that everyone can be happy and play together harmoniously.

Overall, the Inter-state Commission is like a big group of friends who want to make sure everyone is having fun and being treated fairly. They work together to help their country run smoothly.