ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Interworx is a website management software that makes it easy for grown-ups to manage websites just like they're playing with toys!

When you have a website, there are lots of things you need to do to keep it running smoothly. You need to make sure it doesn't get hacked, you need to update your software, you need to backup your files, and you need to keep track of all the people who come to visit your site.

Interworx helps with all of these things by giving you a special playground where you can do all your website management tasks. You can easily see how many people are visiting your site, and you can make sure it stays safe from bad guys who might try to steal your information.

With Interworx, you can also add new features to your website, like a cool photo gallery or a blog. And whenever you want to make changes to your site, you can just drag and drop things around in Interworx, just like you would with your toys.

So, to sum up, Interworx is like a special toy box for grown-ups who want to make sure their websites are always running smoothly and looking their best.