ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Intercession of Christ

Okay, kiddo, so let me tell you about the intercession of Christ. You know how sometimes when you want something from your parents, you go and ask them for it? Well, in the same way, we can ask Jesus to help us with our problems, or to talk to God for us. And that's what we call the intercession of Christ.

You see, Christ is like a messenger between us and God. He's really good at talking to God because he's God's son and he knows what we need. So when we pray to Jesus, he listens and takes our requests to God, like a really good friend who talks to your parents on your behalf.

But it's even more special than that because Jesus, by his death and resurrection, has made it possible for us to be forgiven and to have a closer relationship with God. So when we pray to him, he not only talks to God on our behalf, but he also helps us to be better people and closer to God.

So next time you're feeling worried or scared, just remember that you can ask Jesus to help you out and talk to God for you. He's always ready to intercede for us, and he wants us to be happy and loved.