ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Interchange (freight rail)

Okay kiddo, so let me explain what an interchange is in the world of freight rail. When we talk about freight rail, we mean big trains that carry lots of things like boxes, cars, and even food. These trains travel across the country on big tracks called railways. But sometimes, these big trains can't just go from one place to another without a little help. That's where an interchange comes in.

An interchange is like a big playground or a parking lot where different trains can come together and exchange cars or cargo. It's like when you go to a playground and you see lots of different kids playing - some on the swings, some on the slide, and some playing tag. They all come together at the playground, just like different trains come together at an interchange.

At an interchange, one train might drop off a bunch of cars or cargo that it doesn't need anymore, and another train might pick them up to take them to a different destination. It's kind of like trading cards with your friends - you might give your friend a card you don't want anymore, and they might give you one that you really like.

Interchanges are really important for freight rail because they help to make sure that everything gets to where it needs to go. Without interchanges, trains might have to carry things they don't need, or they might have to travel really far out of their way just to deliver something. But with interchanges, trains can work together like a big team to make sure that everything gets where it needs to go.
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