Interdisciplinary peer review is when a group of people who are experts in different fields come together to check and evaluate a project, research paper or scientific study. For example, if someone is writing a paper about how to build a bridge, they might need a structural engineer, an environmental scientist, and a construction worker to review their work.
Imagine you and your friends were doing a puzzle together. Each of you has a different kind of puzzle piece. If you wanted to make sure that the puzzle is correctly finished, you would need everyone to check each other's work.
The interdisciplinary peer review works in a similar way. Each person in the group brings their own set of skills and expertise to the table. They can check the work and make sure that everything is correct and makes sense. This helps to catch any mistakes or misunderstandings that might have been missed if only one person reviewed the work.
Overall, interdisciplinary peer review is like teamwork where everyone works together to make sure the work is accurate and complete.