ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Interim Peace

Okay kiddo, have you ever had a fight with your friend or sibling and then decided to not talk to them for a while until you calm down? That's kind of what interim peace means.

Sometimes, countries or groups of people have disagreements or issues that they need to talk about and try to solve. But sometimes those talks take a long time and they can't agree on everything right away. So, they might decide to have an interim peace, which means they agree to stop fighting or causing trouble for a little while, until they figure out a more permanent solution.

It's like hitting the pause button on a problem, so everybody can take a break and think things through calmly. Interim peace agreements can last for different amounts of time, depending on how long it takes for them to find a solution that everyone is happy with.

Keep in mind though, just like when you make up with your friend after a fight, sometimes things can get tense again if the issue isn't totally resolved. It's important to keep working on the problem until it's solved for good.