ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Interleaved polling with adaptive cycle time

Interleaved polling with adaptive cycle time is a way to ask different things in turn and change the amount of time between each question as needed.

Imagine you're playing a game where you have to ask all your friends what their favorite color is. You can ask one friend at a time, or you can ask them all in turn. With interleaved polling, you ask each friend one question at a time, and then move on to the next friend.

Adaptive cycle time means that depending on how many friends you have and how quickly they're answering your questions, you might need to change how much time you give each friend to answer. For example, if you have a lot of friends and they're all taking a long time to answer, you might need to give them less time to answer so that the game doesn't take forever.

So interleaved polling with adaptive cycle time is like playing a game with your friends where you ask them questions in turn and change how much time you give them to answer depending on how many friends you have and how quickly they're answering.