ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty

Hi there kiddo, do you know what nuclear weapons are? They are weapons that have a lot of power and can harm many people all at once. Now, the intermediate-range nuclear forces treaty was a special agreement signed between two very powerful countries, the United States and the Soviet Union back in 1987.

This treaty was all about making rules for these two countries to follow when making and keeping dangerous nuclear weapons. It made a promise that these two countries wouldn't make, test or use any missiles that can travel between 500 and 5,500 kilometers. That's a big distance, imagine walking or driving that far.

The reason why this treaty was so important is that it helped to prevent a nuclear war between these two countries. With this agreement, both the US and the Soviet Union had to follow the rules and stop making these types of missiles, which prevented both countries from launching a nuclear war. That means the whole world was safer from the danger of nuclear weapons.

Unfortunately, in 2019, the US withdrew from the agreement, meaning they are no longer committed to following these rules. This caused a lot of worry in the world, as other countries also have nuclear weapons, and it could start an arms race where everyone starts making them again. But luckily for now, the other countries involved in the treaty are still following it, and everyone is trying to come up with a solution to keep the world safe from nuclear weapons.