ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Internal media of the Chinese Communist Party

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is like a big group of friends who work together to make decisions for China. Just like how you have secret things you only tell your best friends, the CCP has secret things they only share with each other. These secret things are called their internal media.

Think of it like a big diary that only the CCP members can read. It's like a special notebook where they write down their thoughts, ideas, and plans for China. They don't want anyone else to know what they're writing because they want to keep it a secret so they can work together without being interrupted or influenced by others.

This is important because the CCP works to make decisions for China and they want to make sure that they can do it freely without anyone else interfering. It's like when you play a game with your friends and you want to make sure that no one else knows your secret strategy so you can win.

So, the internal media of the CCP is their special notebook where they write down their secret plans and ideas for China. It's important to keep these things a secret so they can make decisions without anyone else interfering.