ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

International Association for Religious Freedom

The International Association for Religious Freedom is like a big club made up of people from all over the world who want to make sure that everyone can choose and practice their own religion without being punished.

Imagine you and your friends all like different types of ice cream. You might like vanilla, while your friend likes chocolate and another friend likes strawberry. Even though you all have different favorites, you still get to choose which one you want and nobody makes fun of you or stops you from eating what you like.

It's the same with religion. Some people might choose to be Hindu, others might be Christian, and others might be Muslim. The International Association for Religious Freedom wants to make sure that everyone has the freedom to practice the religion they choose without being hurt or punished for it.

They do things like hold meetings, write publications, and talk to leaders of different countries to help promote religious freedom around the world. The goal is for all people, no matter where they live, to feel like they can practice their religious beliefs in peace and without fear.