ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

International Association for the Study of Forced Migration

Imagine that you and your family are living in a house and everything is going great. But one day, a big storm comes and destroys your house. You can't live there anymore and have to find a new place to stay. This is called forced migration.

The International Association for the Study of Forced Migration is a group of people who want to learn more about forced migration. They want to understand why and how it happens, and what can be done to help people who are forced to leave their homes.

Imagine that you are in a club with your friends. You all have different things that you like to do or be interested in, but you are all part of the same group because you share a common interest. This is like the International Association for the Study of Forced Migration.

Members of this group are from all over the world. They study and research many different aspects of forced migration, such as the reasons why people are forced to move, the challenges they face, and what can be done to help them. They also share their knowledge and ideas with each other so that they can learn from one another.

This group is important because they want to find ways to make it easier for people who have been forced to migrate. By understanding the different reasons why people are forced to move, they can work towards finding solutions to help these people. They also want to make sure that everyone understands the importance of treating people who have been forced to leave their homes with respect and kindness.