ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

International Association of Innovation Professionals

The International Association of Innovation Professionals is a club where people who like to think of new ideas and ways of doing things can hang out together. It's like a clubhouse, but instead of having a treehouse or a fort, the club has a website and a bunch of members from all over the world.

These members get together to talk about how they can come up with different ideas that could be helpful to people. They might talk about how to make a new toy that can fly or how to make a machine that can help people live longer. The ideas that they come up with are called innovations, and they are really important because they can change the world for the better.

The International Association of Innovation Professionals helps these innovators learn from each other by sharing their ideas and strategies. By working together, they can find ways to improve their own ideation skills and create better innovations that can help people all around the globe.

They also help their members become better professionals by providing them with tools like training courses, certification programs, and access to experts in the field. This way, they can learn how to come up with even more innovative ideas that can create a big impact and make a real difference in the world.