ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

International Campaign to Ban Landmines

Okay kiddo, have you ever played a game where you set up traps to catch your friends or family? Landmines are kind of like traps that people put in places where they want to stop other people from getting through. But instead of catching people, they can hurt or even kill them if they step on them.

Now imagine there are lots of countries that have put these landmines all over the place, and sometimes they forget where they put them. This makes it really dangerous for people who live or work in those areas because they might accidentally step on a landmine and get hurt.

That's where the international campaign to ban landmines comes in. A bunch of countries got together and decided that it wasn't fair or safe to use landmines anymore. They wanted to make a rule that said no country could use them or produce them anymore.

It took a lot of talking and negotiating, but finally in 1997, lots of countries signed a treaty called the Mine Ban Treaty. This treaty said that countries had to stop using landmines and get rid of the ones they already had. They also had to help people who had been hurt by landmines and make sure they had access to medical care and other support.

Since then, lots of countries have gotten rid of their landmines and become part of the Mine Ban Treaty. There are still some countries that haven't signed on yet, but the campaign is still working to convince them that landmines are too dangerous and should be banned for the safety of everyone.