ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

International Commission of Jurists

Okay kiddo, have you ever played a game with rules that everyone has to follow? The International Commission of Jurists is kind of like that, but for countries and their laws.

The International Commission of Jurists is a group of people from different countries who work together to make sure that all countries follow the rules and laws that they agreed to follow.

You know how your parents might make a rule for you and your sibling to share your toys? Well, countries around the world make rules too. These rules are called laws and they help keep everyone safe and happy.

But sometimes, countries don't always follow the rules or laws they agreed to. That's where the International Commission of Jurists comes in. They help make sure that everyone plays by the same rules and that countries are held accountable when they break them.

Basically, the International Commission of Jurists is like a big group of grown-ups who make sure everyone is following the rules, just like when you play a game with your friends and everyone has to follow the same rules to make it fair.