ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

International Latitude Service

The International Latitude Service is a way to measure and keep track of the Earth's shape and movements.

Think of the Earth like a giant ball. To measure this ball, we need a way to mark points on it. However, we can't just draw lines on it like we would on paper. Instead, we use imaginary lines called latitude lines.

Latitude lines are like circles that wrap around the Earth from east to west. The equator is the largest latitude line and is located in the middle of the Earth. It's like the "waistband" of the Earth if it were wearing a pair of pants.

The International Latitude Service is a group of people who use fancy equipment to measure the Earth's shape and movements using these latitude lines as a guide. They make sure the lines are in the right place and stay that way over time.

Why is this important? Because by measuring the Earth's shape and movements, we can better understand things like earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and even the weather! So, the International Latitude Service helps us learn more about our amazing planet!