ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

International Miniature Aerobatic Club

So, the International Miniature Aerobatic Club (IMAC) is a group of people who really love flying toy airplanes. But not just any toy airplane, they like the ones that can do really cool tricks in the air!

These people have competitions where they fly their toy planes and do all sorts of cool flips and turns in the air. They fly their planes really high up in the sky and do all kinds of tricks that you might see at an air show.

But, it's not just about who can do the best tricks. There are rules to follow too, just like in any game. The judges who are watching the competitions give the pilots points on things like how precise their tricks are and how smooth their flying is.

The IMAC isn't just for adults either! Kids who love flying toy airplanes can join too. They can watch the competitions, learn from experienced flyers, and even compete themselves.

So, the International Miniature Aerobatic Club is all about people who love flying toy airplanes and doing cool tricks in the air. They follow rules and have competitions to see who can fly their plane the best. Kids can join too and have fun learning from the experienced flyers.