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International Portuguese Language Institute

An international Portuguese language institute is a place where people go to learn how to speak Portuguese, which is a language that is spoken in many different countries around the world.

Think of it as a place where you go to learn how to speak a new language, just like when you go to school to learn how to read and write. The teachers at the institute are experts in Portuguese and they will help you to learn the language by teaching you new words and phrases, and by helping you to practice speaking the language.

This is important because knowing how to speak Portuguese can be very helpful if you want to travel to countries like Brazil, Portugal, Angola, or Mozambique. It can also be helpful if you're interested in learning more about Portuguese culture, literature, and history.

So, at an international Portuguese language institute, you'll get to learn from experienced teachers, meet other people who want to learn Portuguese, and practice speaking the language in a safe and friendly environment. It's like going on an adventure to a new land where everything is different, including the way people talk and express themselves.