ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

International Religious Liberty Association

The International Religious Liberty Association (IRLA) is an organization that promotes and protects the right of everyone to choose and practice their own religion, or not have any religion at all.

Imagine you and your friends like different colors - one likes red, one likes blue, and one likes green. The IRLA believes that just like you and your friends can have different favorite colors, people should be able to choose their own religion without anyone telling them what to do.

Unfortunately, sometimes people are not allowed to practice the religion they want or they are even punished, like being sent to jail or killed, just because of their religious beliefs. This is not nice and it's not fair. The IRLA want to make sure everyone is free to practice their own religion and have their own beliefs, no matter where they live or who they are.

The IRLA also helps to educate people about different religions and how to respect and accept other people's beliefs. This way we can all learn to live together in peace and harmony, just like how you and your friends can play together even if you like different colors.