ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

International Trademark Association

The International Trademark Association (INTA) is a group of people from all over the world who work to protect and promote trademarks.

A trademark is like a signature or a symbol that shows which company or person made a certain product or service. For example, when you see the Nike swoosh on a pair of shoes, you know that it was made by Nike.

The INTA is like a big club that helps make sure that these trademarks are protected and not used by other people or companies without permission. They also try to make sure that trademarks are used in a fair and honest way and that people are not tricked by fake or misleading trademarks.

The INTA meets often to share ideas and learn from each other. They also create guidelines and codes of conduct to help make sure that trademarks are used in the right way all over the world.