ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

International airport

So you know when you go on vacation in your car and you drive to a different city or state? Well, sometimes people want to go on vacation really far away, even to other countries! And they can't go in a car because it would take too long. That's where airplanes come in!

An international airport is a really big airport that's like a special doorway to other countries. There are special rules and things you have to do to go to other countries, like getting a special passport and sometimes getting permission to go there.

When you go to an international airport, there are special places to check in for your flight, like a big desk where a nice person helps you check in and tells you where to go. You have to show your passport and sometimes answer questions to make sure everything is okay for you to fly to another country.

After you check in, you have to go through a special area called security. There are machines that check your bags and sometimes you have to take off your shoes or even your jacket to make sure you aren't carrying anything dangerous or bad.

Once you're through security, you can go to your special gate where your airplane will be waiting for you to board. The gate is like a big door that leads to a tunnel that takes you to the airplane.

Once you're on the airplane, you can sit down and get ready for a fun adventure! The airplane will take off and fly really high in the sky, like a big bird. When you land in the other country, you'll go through more special areas to make sure you're safe to go out into the country.

So that's what an international airport is! A special place where you can go on an airplane to other countries to have fun and see new things.