ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Internet protocol suite

The internet protocol suite is like a language that computers use to talk to each other when they want to share information.

Think of it like this - imagine you and your friend want to play a game of catch, but you're both in different rooms. If you want to play the game, you need to send a message to your friend to let them know you're ready. You might say something like, "Hey, I'm ready to play catch. Toss the ball over to me!"

Computers use a similar language to communicate with each other. This language is called the internet protocol suite, or TCP/IP. It's made up of a bunch of different "words" (protocols) that help computers send and receive messages to each other over the internet.

For example, one of these protocols is called TCP (Transmission Control Protocol). This protocol helps ensure that the message you send to your friend (or the website you're trying to access) actually gets there in one piece - kind of like making sure the ball doesn't get dropped or lost along the way.

Another protocol in the internet protocol suite is called IP (Internet Protocol). This protocol helps computers find each other on the internet, kind of like how you would use your friend's phone number to call them and tell them you're ready to play catch.

Overall, the internet protocol suite is basically like a set of rules that computers follow to make sure they can communicate with each other over the internet. Just like how you need to know the rules of catch in order to play with your friend, computers need to follow the rules of the internet protocol suite in order to share information with each other.
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