ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Intersection (Euclidean geometry)

An intersection is where two lines or shapes cross each other. When you draw two lines on a piece of paper and they touch each other, they create an intersection. This point where the two lines meet is very important, as it can help you figure out how the lines relate to each other.

Think of it like two roads that cross each other. Where the roads meet is called an intersection. It's where one road goes in one direction and the other road goes in a different direction. The intersection is where cars should stop and look both ways before crossing, so they don't crash into other cars coming from a different direction.

In geometry, there are different types of intersections. For example, if you draw two lines that are parallel (they never cross), then they don't have an intersection. But if you draw two lines that are not parallel, they will eventually meet at a point, which is the intersection.

Imagine drawing a circle and a square on a piece of paper. Where the circle and square overlap, they create an intersection. This intersection is where the circle and square have something in common - they share a part of the same space.

So, an intersection is like the spot where two things come together in a special way. It can help us understand how different things are related to each other, whether it's lines, shapes or even roads.