ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Intranet Wiki

An intranet wiki is like a special website that only people in a certain group can use. Think of it like a treehouse or a secret clubhouse that you only let your special friends into.

On this special website, the people in the group can read and write information about things that are important to them. They can create pages for different topics, like one page for a list of all their favorite games or another page for their secrets club rules.

The great thing about an intranet wiki is that everyone in the group can edit and contribute to the information on the pages. It's like passing a notebook around to your friends and adding your own ideas and drawings.

But, since it's only for the people in the group, they can also trust that the information won't be seen by anyone who shouldn't see it. It's like keeping your secrets within the group and not telling them to people outside the treehouse.

Overall, an intranet wiki is a special website that lets special friends share and create information all in one place, without worrying about anyone else seeing it.