ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Inventor (patent)

Imagine you just created something really cool, like a toy or a machine or a recipe for delicious cookies. You want to make sure that no one else can copy your creation and make money off of it without your permission.

When you invent something, you can get something called a patent. This is a special piece of paper that says you are the only one who is allowed to make or sell your invention for a certain amount of time, usually 20 years.

Think of it like a grown-up version of calling "dibs" on something. If you have a patent, then no one else can use or sell your invention unless you say it's okay.

But it's not just as simple as saying "I call dibs!" You have to apply for a patent and show lots of information about your invention, like how it works and what makes it special. It's like giving a really detailed description of your toy or machine or cookie recipe to some really smart grown-ups who work for the government.

If they like what they see, they'll give you a patent and you can feel proud that you invented something that no one else can copy!
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