ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Inverse Faraday effect

Have you ever played with magnets and noticed how they can make things move? That's because magnets create a magnetic field around them, which can interact with other objects.

Now, imagine if instead of a magnet, we use a beam of light. Just like magnets, light can have a special property called polarization, which describes how the light waves are organized.

When a beam of polarized light passes through a material, the material can change the polarization of the light. This is called the Faraday effect.

But what if we do it the other way around? What if we use a magnetic field to change the polarization of a beam of light? That's where the inverse Faraday effect comes in.

When a strong magnetic field is applied to a material, it can cause the polarization of a beam of light passing through the material to rotate. This happens because the magnetic field is interacting with the electrons in the material, causing them to move in a certain way.

This is a very important effect in many areas of science and technology, such as in building sensors that use light to detect magnetic fields. By understanding the inverse Faraday effect, we can create better and more sensitive devices that can help us study and understand the world around us.