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Investigative genetic genealogy

Investigative genetic genealogy is like playing detective with special tools called DNA and family trees. Just like you have some of your parents' features like blue eyes or curly hair, you also inherit some of their DNA. This means that if you give a sample of your DNA, like from a cheek swab, scientists can compare it to other people's DNA to see if you're related in some way.

In investigative genetic genealogy, scientists use this technique to help catch bad guys or solve mysteries. They start with a small piece of DNA found at a crime scene, like a strand of hair or a drop of blood. They test the DNA to see if any of it matches any of the DNA that people have given voluntarily to a database. This database has a lot of people's DNA because they want to learn about their family history.

When they find a match, scientists start looking at family trees to find out how the match might be related to the criminal. They might look for cousins or siblings of the person with the matching DNA. Once they find someone who is likely related, they can investigate them just like any other suspect.

Investigative genetic genealogy is a powerful tool, but it raises some concerns about our privacy. It's important to know that when you give your DNA to a database, it can be used for more than just learning about your family history. So, it's a good idea to read the terms and conditions carefully before giving your DNA to any genetic genealogy company.