ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Invisibility is like playing a game of hide and seek, but instead of just hiding, you disappear completely so that no one can see you at all.

Imagine you are wearing a cloak that makes your body become invisible. When you put the cloak over yourself, it bends light around your body and makes it so that no one can see you. Light is what helps us see things, and when it cannot bounce off your body, it's like you're not there.

It's like when you look in a pond and see your reflection. The light bounces off you and reflects back to your eyes. But if you're wearing an invisibility cloak, the light won't bounce off you, so there will be no reflection for anyone to see.

Invisibility can come in handy for playing sneaky pranks and even for being a spy, but scientists are still working hard to make it a reality.
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