ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Involuntary memory

Involuntary memory is when you remember something without even trying to remember it. It's like when you smell something that reminds you of your grandma's baking, or when you hear a song that makes you think of your friend's birthday party. It's something that just pops into your head without you meaning for it to happen.

Your brain is really good at storing memories, even ones you don't think are important. In fact, when you experience something new, your brain is constantly working to remember it. Your brain creates pathways that connect the different parts of your brain that are involved in that memory.

Sometimes, these pathways are created when you don't even realize it's happening. For example, let's say you're eating a hot dog and having a great time at a baseball game. You might not even be thinking about how much fun you're having, but your brain is creating pathways that connect the smell of hot dogs, the sound of the crowd, and the feeling of excitement.

Later on, if you smell a hot dog, you might suddenly feel like you're back at that baseball game, even if you weren't trying to remember it. That's the power of involuntary memory.