ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, have you ever heard of magnets? You know how they can stick to metal things and pull them towards each other? Well, there are some tiny little things called ions that are kind of like magnets inside of different things, like water or even your body!

Now, these ions are particles that are electrically charged - which means they have a positive or negative charge, just like when you rub your feet on a carpet and then touch something and get a shock. Some ions have a positive charge, and others have a negative charge.

When these charged particles are free to move around, like in water, they can interact with other particles and make some pretty interesting things happen. Sometimes, these charged particles will stick to each other like magnets and form bigger structures, like crystals or minerals.

And here's something pretty cool: our bodies use ions to help us function! There are all sorts of ions in our cells and in the fluids in our body that help us carry messages from our brain to our muscles, keep our heart beating, and so much more.

So, ions are tiny little things that are kind of like magnets, and they have a positive or negative charge. They can interact with other particles and form bigger structures, and our bodies use them in all sorts of ways to help us stay healthy and strong!