ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Iraq Veterans Against the War

Okay, so Iraq Veterans Against the War (or IVAW for short) is a group of people who used to be in the military and fought in Iraq, but are now speaking out against the war. They don't think it's right for the United States to be fighting there and they want to make sure everyone knows how they feel.

See, sometimes people join the military because they want to serve their country and defend it against bad guys. But sometimes when they actually go to war, they see things that don't feel right to them. They might see innocent people getting hurt, or realize that the war doesn't really make sense.

So IVAW is a group of those kinds of people. They want to talk about what they've seen and experienced, and help people understand why they think the war is wrong. They might protest or speak at events, but their main goal is just to make sure people hear their perspective.

It's important to remember that even though they used to be in the military, they have the right to speak out against the war if that's what they believe is right. And we should all listen to their stories and opinions, even if we don't necessarily agree with them.