Ireland's Call is a special song that is sung before rugby matches in Ireland. In the sport of rugby, there are different teams that represent different countries. When Ireland plays rugby, they have a special song to show their unity and pride as a team.
Now, Ireland is a country that is made up of two parts: Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. People in Northern Ireland are called unionists and they feel connected to the United Kingdom. People in the Republic of Ireland are called nationalists and they feel more connected to the rest of Ireland.
Because of this, when the national anthem of Ireland is played before rugby matches, some people from Northern Ireland might not feel fully included or connected. So, instead of playing the national anthem, they sing a different song called Ireland's Call. This song was created so that everyone in Ireland, no matter where they were from, could feel united and supported.
The words of Ireland's Call go like this:
Come the day and come the hour,
Come the power and the glory!
We have come to answer our country's call,
From the four proud provinces of Ireland.
Some players from Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland might feel different about their identities, but when they come together as a team to play rugby, they support and encourage each other. Ireland's Call is a way to show that they are all part of the same team, even if they feel connected to different parts of Ireland.
So, before a rugby match, when the players hear Ireland's Call being sung, it reminds them that they are all on the same team, no matter where they come from. It is a way to celebrate their unity and togetherness before they go out and compete in the game.
In summary, Ireland's Call is a special song that is sung before rugby matches in Ireland. It was created so that everyone in Ireland, no matter where they are from, can feel included and supported. It reminds the players that they are all part of the same team and celebrates their unity.