ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Irish Catholic Martyrs

Okay kiddo, so Irish Catholic martyrs are people who died for their beliefs in Ireland a long time ago. They were Catholics, which means they followed a certain religion. But there were some people who didn't like Catholics and wanted them to believe in a different religion called Protestantism.

The Irish Catholics didn't want to change their beliefs, so they were punished and sometimes even killed for it. The people who were killed for their beliefs are called martyrs. Many Irish Catholics were martyred during a time when England was trying to control Ireland and make everyone there Protestant.

The most famous Irish Catholic martyrs are called the 17 martyrs of Tyburn. They were a group of priests and laypeople who were arrested and sentenced to death because they practiced their Catholic religion. They were hung, drawn, and quartered, which is a very cruel way to be killed.

The Irish Catholic martyrs were brave and refused to give up their beliefs even when it meant death. They are remembered as heroes for standing up for what they believed in, and for being proud Irish Catholics.