ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Irish presidential inauguration

Okay kiddo, so in Ireland, they have a special person called the President. This person is like the boss of Ireland, but they don't make all the rules, they just make sure everything runs smoothly. When a new President is chosen, they have to have a special ceremony to become the official President. This ceremony is called an inauguration.

During the inauguration, the new President gets to go to a very fancy place called Dublin Castle. This place is really important in Ireland's history because it used to be a royal palace. People will be waiting outside to see the new President arrive, and there will be music and other special things happening.

Once the new President arrives at Dublin Castle, they will go into a special room called St. Patrick's Hall. This room is really fancy and has lots of important people in it, like other politicians and leaders from Ireland and other countries.

The new President will then take something called an oath. This is like a promise to do their job as best they can and to follow all the rules that Ireland has. The oath is very important, because it means that the new President is officially the boss of Ireland!

After the oath, the new President will give a speech. This speech is like a big message to all the people in Ireland about what the new President wants to do to help make Ireland a better place.

And that, my dear little one, is how they do the Irish Presidential Inauguration ceremony.