ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Isaiah 63

Isaiah 63 is a chapter in the Bible that tells a story about a person who is strong and powerful, like a superhero. In the story, this person is called "the Lord," and he wears special clothes, almost like a costume, and tramples on his enemies. He also talks about how he helped his people in the past, like when they escaped from Egypt.

The chapter talks about how the Lord is angry with his enemies, who are called "Edom." He talks about how he will punish them for being mean to his people. This might seem scary, but the story also talks about how the Lord is kind and caring for his friends, who are called "the house of Israel."

In the end, the story talks about how the Lord helped his people before and promises to help them again in the future. It's almost like a fairytale, where the good guy beats the bad guys and saves the day.
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