ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Islamic State of Azawad

The Islamic State of Azawad is a group of people who live in a certain region in West Africa called Azawad. They want to have their own country, separate from the rest of Mali, which is the country they are a part of. They believe that they are culturally different than the rest of Mali and should have their own government and laws.

The Islamic State of Azawad is called an Islamic state because the people who live in Azawad are mostly Muslim and they want their new country to be governed by Islamic law. This means that the rules and laws in Azawad would be based on what the Muslim holy book, the Quran, says.

However, not everyone agrees with the Islamic State of Azawad. Some people in Mali believe that Azawad should remain a part of Mali, and the Mali government has been fighting against the Islamic State of Azawad to keep it from becoming its own country.

Overall, the situation in Azawad is complicated and there are many different opinions on what should happen in the region.