ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Islamic State of Indonesia

The Islamic State of Indonesia is a group of people who want to make Indonesia an Islamic country. They believe in following the teachings of Islam and want the government to make laws based on these teachings. They also want the society to follow these teachings and live their lives according to Islamic values.

The Islamic State of Indonesia is not a government or an official organization. It is a group of people who share similar beliefs and ideas. They may have their own leaders, but they do not have any official authority or control over the country.

Some people in Indonesia support the idea of an Islamic state, while others do not. Those who do not support it believe in having a secular government that does not promote any particular religion. They also believe in the freedom of religion, meaning that everyone has the right to practice their own religion.

In summary, the Islamic State of Indonesia is a group of people who want to make Indonesia an Islamic country, but their beliefs are not shared by everyone in the country.