ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Islamic view of marriage

Marriage is a big, important thing in Islam. It's like a special contract between a man and a woman that says they will be partners and take care of each other. This contract is called a "nikah".

In Islam, marriage is not just about love and romance, it's also about building a family and living a righteous life together. It is believed that marriage helps both partners grow in their faith and become better people.

Before getting married, a man and woman need to get permission from their parents and they should both be willing to get married. They also need to follow certain rules, such as not marrying someone who is already married, and not marrying someone who is too closely related to them.

During the wedding ceremony, the couple and their families make special promises to each other and to God. They promise to love, respect, and take care of each other, and to follow the teachings of Islam together.

In Islam, husbands and wives have different roles, but they are both equally important. Husbands are supposed to provide for their wives and families, and protect them from harm. Wives are supposed to take care of the home, raise children and be supportive of their husbands.

Marriage is seen as a lifelong commitment, and divorce is considered a last resort. Couples are encouraged to work out their problems together and seek help if they need it. However, if a marriage becomes unbearable or harmful, divorce is allowed as a way to protect both parties.

Overall, marriage in Islam is about building a strong, loving, and righteous partnership between two people who are committed to each other and to God.