ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Island hopping

Island hopping is like going on an adventure to lots of different islands. Imagine a big map with lots of little islands marked on it. When you island hop, you start on one island, explore it and then get on a boat or a plane to go to another island nearby. You repeat this process until you've seen as many islands as you want.

It's kind of like going on a treasure hunt, where each island you visit is like finding a new treasure. You get to see all the different things that each island has to offer, like beaches, mountains, forests, or even old ruins.

Island hopping is usually done in places where there are lots of islands close together, like in a big ocean or the Caribbean Sea. People like to go island hopping because it's a fun and exciting way to explore new places while also getting to relax and enjoy the scenery.

Many people think that island hopping is an amazing way to see new places and get to experience different cultures, foods, and traditions. So, if you ever get the chance to go island hopping, make sure you take it!