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Israeli military decorations

Military decorations are like stickers that soldiers get to put on their uniforms to show that they did something really good or brave. In Israel, they have lots of different stickers that soldiers can earn, and each sticker means something different.

One of the most important stickers is called the Medal of Valor. This is the highest honor a soldier can get, and it is only given out for really, REALLY brave things. For example, if a soldier saves other soldiers' lives even when it is very dangerous, they might earn the Medal of Valor.

Another sticker that soldiers can earn is called the Medal of Distinguished Service. This one is given out to soldiers who do something really important for their country, like helping to plan a successful military mission.

There are also some stickers that are given out just for serving in the military for a certain amount of time, like the Service Medal. This is like a participation trophy that shows that the soldier did their job and served their country.

Overall, these military decorations are important because they show how brave and dedicated Israeli soldiers are, and they help to honor those who have served their country.