ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Israelite-Aramean War

The Israelites and the Arameans were two groups of people who had a disagreement and were fighting each other. They both wanted to have control over the same land and they couldn't agree on who should have it.

The Israelites, who were led by King David, believed that they had the right to the land because they had lived there for a long time, and their ancestors had been promised that land by God.

The Arameans, on the other hand, thought that they should have the land because they were more powerful and had a bigger army than the Israelites.

The fighting between the two groups was very intense, and both sides suffered many casualties. The Israelites were able to win some battles, but the Arameans were also successful at times.

In the end, a peace treaty was signed between the two groups, where they agreed to share the land equally. This was a good solution because both sides were happy with the agreement and they were able to live together peacefully.

So, in summary, the Israelite-Aramean war was a fight between two groups of people who wanted the same land. They eventually came to an agreement and decided to share the land, which brought peace between them.