J-Horror, also known as Japanese horror, is a type of scary movie or story that comes from Japan. In J-Horror, the scary parts of the story often come from ghosts, spirits, or other supernatural things.
These stories usually focus on showing scary things through everyday objects, like a creepy videotape or a cursed cellphone. Scary stuff can also happen in everyday places like schools, apartments, and offices.
One thing that sets J-Horror apart from other types of horror is that they often show the horror slowly building up over time. The story will start out normal, but then more and more creepy things will happen until the scary part finally happens. This is called "slow burn."
Another thing that makes J-Horror movies and stories different is that they often rely on a sense of guilt or remorse. Characters who have done something wrong or who are hiding a secret will often be haunted by ghosts or have bad things happen to them.
Overall, J-Horror is a different kind of scary that relies on slow buildup, everyday settings, and a sense of guilt or responsibility.