ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation. It is a way to store and exchange information. JSON looks like a string of words and numbers, but it's really a way of organizing and describing data. Think of it like a list of instructions. A JSON can tell a computer what kind of data is in a list, the name for each piece of data, and the order of the pieces. For example, if you wanted to list your favorite movies, you might write something like this:

Movie 1: "The Little Mermaid"
Movie 2: "Frozen"
Movie 3: "Toy Story"

In JSON, it might look like this:

{"Favorite Movies": [
{ "Movie 1": "The Little Mermaid" },
{ "Movie 2": "Frozen" },
{ "Movie 3": "Toy Story" }

This tells the computer what kind of data you have (favorite movies), the name for each piece of data (Movie 1, Movie 2, Movie 3), and the order of the pieces (Movie 1 is first, then Movie 2, and then Movie 3). Computers can read JSON, understand it, and use it to complete tasks.