Jackal coursing is when people hunt jackals using dogs. Imagine you are playing a game where you are trying to catch your friend, but instead of running, you have a dog or dogs help you catch your friend. This is kind of like what people do when they go jackal coursing.
Jackals are small animals, kind of like a wild dog, that live in parts of Africa and Asia. Sometimes people hunt them to protect their livestock or just for fun. When people go jackal coursing, they usually use greyhounds or other breeds of fast dogs to track and catch the jackal.
The hunters release their dogs into the wild and watch as they chase after the jackal. The dogs try to catch the jackal and then they bring it back to the hunter. This is a very exciting thing to do and it requires skill and training to do it well.
However, there are some dangers to jackal coursing. Sometimes hunters can accidentally hurt the dogs or the jackals. Also, some people think it is not fair to hunt wild animals for sport. It is important to follow the rules and regulations set by the government to make sure everyone stays safe and the animals are not hurt.
In short, jackal coursing is when people use fast dogs to hunt jackals. It can be exciting to watch, but it is important to do it responsibly and safely.