ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Have you ever been in a situation where you felt really angry or frustrated about something that you couldn't change? Maybe you felt like you weren't being treated fairly or that people in power weren't listening to you. This is kind of like what happened during the jacquerie.

A long time ago, in France, there were a lot of people who were very poor. They didn't have much money or food, and they had to do a lot of hard work. But there were also some people who were very rich, and they had a lot of power. They didn't have to work as hard and they had a lot of nice things.

One day, the poor people got so angry and frustrated that they decided to do something about it. They started a big rebellion called the jacquerie. They wanted to show the rich people that they were just as important and deserved to be treated fairly.

During the jacquerie, the poor people attacked and destroyed a lot of the things that belonged to the rich people. They were very angry and didn't care about the consequences. But eventually, the rich people were able to stop the rebellion and punish the rebels.

Although the jacquerie didn't succeed in changing things for the poor people, it was a big event that showed how important it is to listen to people who feel like they don't have a voice. It also showed that we should work together to make things better for everyone, instead of just trying to take what we want.